Sunday, February 12, 2012

Graph: Major Producers of Poultry

This graph shows the top producers of poultry, by country, in the world. As you can see from the chart, a large majority of the poultry produced in the world is chicken. The top 3 countries USA, China and Brazil account for a large majority of the poultry production.
Data Source: UN FAO
Next, let us look at the breakdown of the poultry production by the type of fowl. For chicken production (see chart below), the position of the top countries do not change that much. Basically, only France drops out of the top 10 list, as it produces turkey and duck meat as a significant percentage of their poultry production.
Data Source: UN FAO
If we look at the next series of charts - production of duck, goose & guinea fowl and turkey, we can see some dominant countries in the production of these meat. China is the largest producer of duck by a large margin, though France is also a significant duck producer. Similarly, China is the largest producer of goose & guinea fowl. As for turkey, USA is the largest producer by a large margin, though Germany, Brazil, France and Italy are significant producers too. To see which countries are the top producers of eggs, you can see this article here.
Data Source: UN FAO

Data Source: UN FAO
Data Source: UN FAO
Data Source: UN FAO; Graphs: Generated by me

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